Music Theory
Today in music class it was serious but a fun class. When I went into the class it was very nice, peaceful and the music “Indonesia Pusaka” was being played, till our teacher showed up and said that the music singing assessment of “Indonesia Pusaka” is today and the order will be from a to z. Well if it starts that way for me is that, I will have to be singing the song the second witch will make me a bit shocked but at the same time I really want to get over with the pressure of this singing assessment. We directly started the assessment and here are the feedbacks that I got from this singing assessment.
1. Alden: I think that he is shy to sing louder witch made it hard for the audience to hear him sing. His pitch was not that same with the tune of the music. But overall it was a good shot.
2. Allen: I have no idea how I did because I was the one singing. I think that I did awful because I did not practice that much and I forgotten a word witch ruined the whole sentence.
3. Benny: He is a person who has the high pitch so the teacher has to bring up the piano tune. His voice when singing was a bit not on tune witch I think is really okay, he looks good on stage.
4. Callista: I think that she has a good pitch, voice and I think that she did great. But I also think that she is a bit stage fright.
5. Cindy Febriana: She has a good voice and tone that is brought out and I think that she did great for this assessment
6. Cindy Felicia: she has a very beautiful high and soft voice, she brought out very good pitch and tune to the music.
7. Daniel: He was a very good pitch to the music. He also tried to take control of his stage well. He has a good pitch and tone with the song and brought it out softly.
8. Davin: Does not look like have have stage fright at all but takes control of his stage well. Have a good bass soft voice and a good pitch to the song.
9. Gifi: he sings loud and soft at the same time. He took control of his stage with his singing, very well and not seems to have any problem.
10. Ivan: I can see that he is trying to get to the right pitch and tune to the music. He was not really that shy but he did not memories all the lyrics in the music.
11. Jacqueline: She looks very well on stage, took control of it well. She brought out a nice tune and pitch to the song.
12. Janice: She has a very good sound, even if she did not really have had hit the high note. She tries to take control of her pitch and tone very well and I can see that she was using the singing techniques.
13. Jesslyn: I think because she was shy, she was not able to deliver loud voice. While she song, she also forgotten some of the lyrics. But she has a good pitch to the music.
14. Johan: I don’t think that he is that serious when singing. He was not really in the pitch of the song, he sings pretty much flat. He brought out a small voice n was not I the same beat as the music.
15. Joshua: When he sings, he brought out a small voice and looks shy. He did not really had memories the song, but he has a pretty good tune to the song.
16. Bella: Bella has a very beautiful voice that was brought out. She brought out a very nice soft, quite and mellow voice. She controls that pitch and the tune very well to the song. She is serious in her singing.
17. Mage: She brought out very good soft voice. She has a nice pitch to the song; she is a bit nervous but took control of her stage well.
18. Melicia: She was nervous, but she delivers a good voice. She also sings the song quite fast, rushing but she memories the lyrics. I think that the tone of the song was too high for her.
19. Michelle: She has a very nice soft voice that was brought out. She was in a good tune and pitch with song and she took the stage well.
20. Olivia: She has a very beautiful voice, I think that she was dragging the word and was quite rushing, but she was able to control her pitch very well and use the singing techniques very well.
21. Sarah: I can see that she was shy, it looks like the song is too high for her but she was able to control it well and sung it in a nice soft voice.
22. Ester: She brought a good voice quality, she was able to get the notes on the right tune and her pitch was good. She also used the singing techniques witch help her sing it better.
23. Tatiana: She has a good voice when singing, but she sounded that she was not taking the stage well and she shakes. And was rushing. She also used the singing techniques to sing this song.
24. Ynigo: It looks like the pitch of the music it’s too high for him, so he sings the song in the upper octave; he was not really in tune with the music. He did not really have had memories the lyrics.
25. Yoshiko: She bought out a nice soft voice and she was not scared of the people but controlled her stage well. She has a good pitch and tune to the music. She uses the singing technique very well.
26. Yuliana: She sings very well, she had a good pitch to the song. She produced a very nice soft voice. And she controls herself well.
(Sorry for any wrong spelling on namesL)
After all the singing that took almost 2 session of music class, we were all pretty relief that this singing assessment was done. We had a lot of fun at the same time during this assessment.
Music Practical
We did not really had time for music practical, because there was only about 4 minutes left till class is over due to the singing assessment.